Mamma Mia, Charlie Brown! is an upcoming full length feature animated crossover special created and released by Disney and Pixar. It features the characters from the 2021 Pixar film Luca. It follows Charlie Brown, as he and Schroeder get separated from their friends during their trip to London and end up in Italy. They travel around the country and turn up in the Italian Riviera, in the town of Portorosso. It will be released on September 15, 2024.
Charlie Brown and his friends are traveling to London for a student exchange program. But a little mishap sends him, Spike, Woodstock, and Schroeder to the country of Italy. They travel around the country and end up in the city of Portorosso where they meet the characters from the Pixar film Luca and have the time of their life. Now it is up to Luca and his friends to show them that Italy is a wonderful place while the rest of Charlie Brown's friends search for him.
During school, Charlie Brown's class finds out that they have been chosen to take part in a student exchange program. They will be traveling to London, England while some exchange students from England will be spending 4 weeks in America. Charlie Brown finds out he will be going; along with Linus, Lucy, Schroeder and Sally.
They head back home as Charlie Brown looks in his mailbox and finds a letter from Rosario, who lives in Italy. He writes to him telling him that he should visit Italy soon. It is Peppermint Patty calls telling him that she and Marcie have been chosen to head to London. Charlie Brown tells her that he has also been chosen. She is not surprised. She tells him that she can't believe they are heading to London again after their trip to France. He also tells her that Snoopy's brother Spike will be coming. She tells him that is wonderful considering she knows Spike. She hangs up telling him that she'll see him soon.
The next day, Charlie Brown and his friends are getting ready to head to London. They are at the airport. They say goodbye to the gang as they run off to their flight. Suddenly, Charlie Brown, Schroeder, Spike, and Woodstock are separated from the gang and try to find them. They find themselves on what they believe to be their flight. They board the plane. Meanwhile, the rest of the gang board the correct flight.
Charlie Brown and Schroeder fly to Rome, not knowing it. They arrive in Rome. Suddenly, they realize that they're in the wrong place. They ask an attendant where they are. She tells them that they are in Rome. They leave the airport, knowing that they have to find a way back to their friends. Through Woodstock, they rent a Vespa and go through Rome, considers staying with Rosario in Florence, before staying in a hotel for the night.
Meanwhile, the rest of the gang arrive in London. They leave the airport and head to a hotel. At the hotel, Linus decides to give a head count to make sure everyone is here. As he is checking, he suddenly notices that Charlie Brown, Spike, Woodstock, and Schroeder are gone. They are not here. He suddenly faints. Lucy goes over to him and asks what happened. He tells them that Charlie Brown is missing. Snoopy is surprised and he too faints. Sally helps Snoopy up. She then tells everybody that they should search for him. Lucy argues saying she's glad that Charlie Brown is gone. Sally grabs her arm and gets serious. She tells her that she cares about her big brother and that she should stop bullying him. She also says that she ignored the fact that Schroeder is also gone. Linus agrees with Sally. They decide to begin searching for him tomorrow.
The next morning, they wake up and tour around Rome. They visit the Colosseum, The Sistine Chapel, and the Trevi Fountain, where Charlie Brown throws a coin into the fountain. Schroeder asks him if he made a wish. He tells him that he did. He tells him that he wished to be back with his friends soon. They leave the fountain. They leave and head off to Florence hoping to find Rosario. They ride to Florence and meet Rosario, Charlie Brown's Italian pen-pal. Rosario offers them to stay for a couple of days. They eat some trenette al pesto for dinner, and head to bed.
The next day, they travel to the Leonardo da Vinci museum and take a look at some of his paintings. Rosario tells them about his life and the impact he had on the future. They take a look at a copy of the Mona Lisa. He tells them about how the actual painting was stolen many years ago and how it was returned. Charlie Brown is stunned by the beauty of the painting. He tells him that one of the greatest mysteries in the world is her smile. The world doesn't know how she smiled or why she smiled. But it still captures the hearts of the people of the world. Rosario agrees with him and says that some mysteries are better left unsolved. They leave the museum.
Over the next couple of days, they go around town taking a look at the wonder and beauty of the city. One day, they realize that Linus and the rest of the gang still haven't found them yet. Charlie Brown considers finding them and that they should find a place to stay until they are found. Rosario makes a suggestion saying that he knows some friends that live in the northern part of Italy. They live in a town just a couple of miles away from Genoa. The town's name is Portorosso. He tells them that his friends can be able to help them and take care of them until Charlie Brown and his friends are found by the rest of the gang. They decide to head there. Charlie Brown and his friends leave and wave goodbye to Rosario thanking him for everything. He wishes them a safe trip.
They travel on the roads again. Suddenly after about a hour, the Vespa breaks down and stops. They don't know how to fix it. So they walk with the scooter behind him. Hours go by, and they faint and pass out due to the heat. They lay there for a couple of minutes. Suddenly, a truck comes by and stops as a girl shouts. She gets out and notices them passed out. She asks her father to help her place them in the back of the truck. They place them in the back along with the Vespa. They head back home.
Charlie Brown wakes up in home of the Valadino's. He wakes up and sees a girl in front of him. He asks her who he is. She introduces herself as Carolyn Valadino. She tells him that he is Charlie Brown. He asks her how she knew. She tells him that she noticed his name on his suitcase. They head downstairs where Charlie Brown and Schroeder eat dinner with Carolyn. She asks them why they are here in Italy. Charlie Brown tells her how they got separated and ended up in Italy. She offers to help them get ready to go on their way. Her father will help fix the Vespa, so that they can continue on their journey. Over the next several days, her family takes care of them and shows them their barn. They also help her with several chores. Finally, after a couple of days, the Vespa is fixed and Charlie Brown and his friends plan to continue their journey to Portorosso. Carolyn asks them why they are going there. They tell her that Charlie Brown's pen-pal Rosario suggested they go there since he has a couple of friends there. At the mention of Rosario, she recognizes his name and tells them that she knows him. She also tells them that she knows someone they got to stay with that lives there. She tells him that they should find a girl who goes by the name of Giulia Marcovaldo. She tells them her features such as her red hair and blue cap. She tells them to tell her that Carolyn told them to find her. They tell her that they will find her. They wave goodbye to Carolyn thanking her. She wishes them good luck and hopes that they will find their friends. They leave.
They travel down to Portorosso. On the way there, Schroeder looks at a guide of the town that Carolyn gave them. He tells Charlie Brown about the surrounding landscape, that it is a great fishing port, and its popularity of ancient legends and superstitions. Soon enough, they enter the town. They are astonished by the sheer beauty and wonder of the town. They stop somewhere in town. They ponder for a couple of moments about the time they spent here in Italy. Suddenly, they hear a boy's voice behind them. They turn around and see a teenage Italian boy. It is none other than the five time Portorosso Cup winner and former town bully Ercole Visconti. What they don't know is that he is messing around with him and that he is actually good. He messes around with Charlie Brown and his friends telling them what they are doing here. Charlie Brown defends himself and tries to tell him that he is not all that bad. Suddenly, he calls Charlie Brown a blockhead. He suddenly gets very serious and tells him that only Lucy and some of the gang calls him that and nobody else. Ercole tells him that he didn't know that and supposes that the world hates him. He laughs and Charlie Brown steps on his foot. He cries out in pain and bounces up and down holding his foot. Charlie Brown tells Schroeder that they got to go. They get on their Vespa and take off.
They travel through the town and stops at a restaurant. There they get lunch. They get some spaghetti and meatballs for lunch. While they are eating, Charlie Brown and Schroeder have a conversation. Charlie Brown sighs and asks how are they going to find Giulia. Schroeder reminds him not to give up hope and that they will find her. They go over and talk about her features. While they are talking, Giulia comes by on a bicycle and notices them talking. She takes a look at herself as her features are being described. They continue talking about her hoping that they will find her soon enough. Giulia then speaks asking them if they were looking for her. Charlie Brown sighs and tells her that they finally found her (or she found them). They finish their lunch and go with her. They get on her bike and they go through town. She tells them what brings them to Portorosso. They tell her about the events that have recently happened. She tells them that she can help them and take care of them. She tells them that she doesn't know their names. They introduce themselves. She says it is a pleasure to meet them. They arrive at her home. She tells Charlie Brown and his friends that they should meet her father. She introduces them to her father, Massimo, and get acquainted with him. Then, they head down to the water and get in a motorboat. They get in the boat and takes off heading to Isola del Mare, an island off the coast of Portorosso.
On the way there, Charlie Brown takes a good look around him. The landscape is spectacular. Giulia tells him that her friends are absolutely amazing and that she wants to introduce them. They arrive at the island and get off the boat. They take a look at the island. Charlie Brown says that this is breath-taking. Giulia tells them to follow her. They go up to the top of the island. They take a look at a stone tower. Charlie Brown asks Giulia if that is where they are. She tells him that it is. She tells them to come with her. They go up a ladder.
They climb up the tower where Giulia calls to her friends Luca and Alberto and introduces Charlie Brown and Schroeder to them. Charlie Brown introduces himself to Luca. Luca tells Charlie Brown that it is a pleasure to meet him. After an awkward moment, Luca tells him that he is kind of like him. Charlie Brown tells him that he is right. They are both underdogs and are very similar in several aspects. He tells Charlie Brown that he has a secret that he wants to reveal. Charlie Brown follows him. They go out to the water. Luca gives him a piece of kelp. He tells him that once he gets into the water, he should eat it. He jumps into the water. After a few seconds, Charlie Brown jumps into the water.
Beneath the ocean, he discovers that after he ate the kelp, he can breathe underwater. He swims around and comes upon a homestead with a barn full of goatfish. As he finds a clearing, he sits down on a rock, and finds out Luca is a sea monster after he snuck up on Charlie Brown. They talk about how Luca came to the surface and recaps the events of the past two films. Charlie Brown is stunned by his story and strengthens his bond with him. They head back to the surface.
That evening, they spend the night on the island. They talk about how life is for all of them. Charlie Brown tells them that he often gets bullied and isn't that free-spirited. But thanks to Luca, he is now. He can get away from all of the struggles and strife of the world. He can avoid everything that has happened to him such as bullies and bad grades. Luca tells him that he is proud that he taught him. He asks him if he would want to live with him. Charlie Brown tells him that would be wonderful. He tells him that he should also attempt to achieve his goals such as meeting The Little Red-Haired Girl. Giulia asks him what is he talking about. He tells her about her look. She tells him that she knows her. Her name is Heather Wold. And she will be coming to Portorosso the upcoming weekend and spend a couple of weeks there. It would be a good opportunity for Charlie Brown to meet her at last. He tells her that she is right. It will be a great opportunity. She tells him that he should try to meet her.
Meanwhile, in London, Linus and the rest of the gang have no more hope to find Charlie Brown. They sit in the airport and stay there. A British boy (presumably their host) is asking if they are all right. Linus tells him that they aren't at the moment, due to his best friend being missing. He tries encouraging Linus to find him by reminding that his best friend never gave up at all. He always kept on pushing and doing his very best to try and accomplish his goals. Linus tells him that he is right. They should keep trying and never give up.
That weekend, in Portorosso, Charlie Brown and his friends expect the arrival of The Little Red-Haired Girl. Luca reminds him to be brave. He tells him how is going to do that. He tells Charlie Brown that he learned how to face his fears through two words that he was taught. He encourages him to say "Silenzo, Bruno!" in order to face his fears. Soon, Charlie Brown has the courage to meet her. The Little Red-Haired Girl arrives at the train station. She comes out and sees Charlie Brown. Luca reminds him that he has got this. Charlie Brown tells her it is so good to actually talk with her at last. He tells her that he was so afraid to meet her. She tells him that it is OK to be scared. She is proud that he faced his fears. He tells her that it was all thanks to his new friends. She asks him how he ended up in Italy. He says that is a long story. They head off to the home of the Paguros'.
There they meet Luca's parents and they are honored to help take care of Charlie Brown. They have dinner there. During dinner, he tells them that some things in his life have been miserable. He has never won anything. He hasn't gotten a good grade in school, and isn't very popular. People have treated him unfairly, and bullied him all his life. But thanks to Luca, he can get away from all of that. He knows how it feels to be free-spirited. He feels like he is accepted in this town. Luca's mother tells him that she was also accepted as well, since she didn't like at the surface at first. She then asks if his friends will ever find him. Heather then tells them that there is a way and she thought of it the entire time. She tells them that she knows Linus' phone number and she can call him. He has a phone and is in contact with her. She pulls out her phone and dials him.
Meanwhile, in London, Linus and his friends are still searching for Charlie Brown. He says he doesn't know what else there is to do. They have tried everything. Suddenly, something buzzes. He pulls out his phone from his pocket. He answers it. It is Heather. He tells her how she is doing. She says she is doing well, and that somebody wants to talk to him. Charlie Brown gets on the phone. Linus is shocked. He asks Charlie Brown where he is. He tells him that he is in Italy. He tells them about Portorosso, Luca and his friends, and how he met them. Linus tells him that it would be wonderful to meet Luca and says he is interested about him. Snoopy then arranges a flight to Genoa. Charlie Brown tells them that he'll see them in a couple of days. He asks if they should spend the rest of the student exchange program with him. Linus says it will be good to do that. Besides, they didn't seem interested in London anymore, due to Charlie Brown being gone. Charlie Brown tells them that he will see them soon. He hangs up. Linus tells the gang that it is time to head to Italy. They prepare to leave London.
Back in Italy, Charlie Brown is excited that he was able to contact his friends and that they will be reunited. Luca is proud that he was able to find them and that he can't wait to meet them; specifically Linus. He tells him he could help share some more memories with him and the gang. Charlie Brown tells him not to worry since their trip will only last a couple of weeks more; so they'll have plenty of time. Then, they get prepared for when they will arrive.
Two days later, Charlie Brown wakes up early and wakes Luca and the others up. He tells them that the day has come when his friends will come and reunite with him. Luca tells him that he is so excited to meet them, especially Linus. They go over to the station where they await them. The train arrives. The rest of the gang comes out and reunites with Charlie Brown and Schroeder. Charlie Brown introduces them to his new friends. Luca is excited to meet Linus. They get along very quickly.
They show Linus their town and its history, then they jump into the water, where they go for a swim. After a few hours, they float in the water, and are picked up by the rest of the gang. They return back to Portorosso where the gang celebrates them finding Charlie Brown. Over the next couple of days, they have some fun, learning more about Italy. They ride around with Luca and his friends, and through Snoopy's help, they introduce pizza to Luca and the others.
Then after, a week, it is time to finally head home. As Charlie Brown and his friends prepare to leave onboard the train back to the States, he and Luca exchange addresses and phone numbers, so they can keep close contact with each other. Luca reminds him that in case, if he wants to come back to Portorosso, he can find a way. The train leaves as Charlie Brown watches Luca and his friends as they wave farewell. He has a smile on his face knowing he'll never forget his adventures.
Back in the States, Charlie Brown gives his report on his journey, and receives joyous applause from his class. Linus congratulates him on his report. He finds out that he got an A+ on his report. He is proud of his adventures. Over the next couple months, he remains in close contact with Luca and his friends. Finally, school lets out. Everyone is hoping to go to summer camp, but Charlie Brown doesn't feel like going, he feels like there is something else he wants to do instead. Lucy and some of the girls understand what he feels. They let him and some of the others stay behind, while they go off to camp.
As he stays back home, he finally knows what he wants to do for summer. He wants to spend the summer in Italy with Luca. He tells his friends what he wants to do. Linus tells him that they don't have enough money to get to Italy. He tells him that they can fly over there in kites that he modified (since he gained some inventive skills from Luca). One night, after testing them, he, Linus, and his friends take off on their kites.
After several days, he notices Lucy and the rest of the gang have joined them, having known what he wanted to do. They fly over the ocean, and in a couple of days, they arrive at the coast of Portorosso. They land on Isola del Mare where Luca and his friends notice them arriving. Luca embraces Charlie Brown and welcomes the entire gang to Italy. He asks him how long he might stay. Charlie Brown promises him that he'll stay all summer. Then, he, Linus, Luca and Alberto race down to the shore and dive into the water, swimming to Portorosso. They arrive into the town where they are greeted by the townfolk. Then, they take a picture of Charlie Brown, Luca and the rest of the gang as they begin to enjoy their vacation.
Tyler Nathan as Charlie Brown
Terry McGurrin as Snoopy and Spike
Rob Tinkler as Woodstock
Matthew Mucci as Schroeder
Jacob Tremblay as Luca Paguro
Jack Dylan Grazer as Alberto Scorfano
Emma Berman as Giulia Marcovaldo
Wyatt White as Linus
Isabella Leo as Lucy
Hattie Kragten as Sally
Lexi Perri as Peppermint Patty
Holly Gorski as Marcie
Kate Micucci as The Little Red-Haired Girl (Heather Wold)
Saverio Raimondo as Ercole Visconti
Maya Rudolph as Daniela Paguro
Jim Gaffigan as Lorenzo Paguro
Marco Barricelli as Massimo Marcovaldo
Sandy Martin as Grandma Paguro
Rick Giordano as Rosario
Thomas Stevens as Woodstock's human voice
Katherine Waterston as Airport attendant
Florence Callahan as Carolyn
- This special is the first time that Luca Paguro and Charlie Brown appear together. Throughout the specials and other media, they grow to become best friends.
- This special utilizes CGI for all of the characters. Charlie Brown and the Peanuts gang use their design from The Peanuts Movie.
- This is the one of the first time that Woodstock can speak. He is voiced by Thomas Stevens.
- This is the second time that Charlie Brown has been part of a student exchange program after the film Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don't Come Back!!).
- The plot is somewhat similar to Home Alone 2: Lost in New York. Both Charlie Brown and Kevin get separated from their friends, board the wrong flight and end up somewhere else.
- The events of Bon Voyage, Charlie Brown (And Don't Come Back!!) and You're A Good Sport, Charlie Brown are briefly mentioned in the special.
- Linus' ringtone is Linus and Lucy, the main theme of the Peanuts franchise.
- The scene where Charlie Brown meets Carolyn is very similar to a scene from Back to the Future where Marty meets Lorraine in 1955.
- Luca's dislike for pineapple pizza is introduced onscreen for the first time.
- This is the first crossover between the Peanuts franchise and a film by Pixar.